Law Office of Donald S. Edgar

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Class Action Suits

"Class Action" is a term referring to a civil (non-criminal) legal suit which involves a group of plaintiffs, a "class" of people bringing a legal action against a third party. Generally, a class action is filed by one attorney who represents many plaintiffs with the same common claim. A class action lawsuit might pertain to a defective product case, fraud, health hazards, defective pharmaceuticals, toxic environmental conditions, or a large company mistreating or discriminating against many employees.

Complaints turn into class actions when it becomes evident that the same grievance has affected numerous people, often too many to be brought before the court individually. Not only would it be impractical to handle each case individually, but the cost would be greater than the value of each claim. Each claimant may have suffered different degrees of harm, but by totaling the damages collectively, the lawsuit could add up to a large settement. A class action provides a way for small claimants to gain equal rights and pursue accountability and justice for their grievances where they may otherwise not have had that opportunity. All parties who have joined a class action may be notified of the proposed settlement in time to provide statements, objections, or approval prior to a resolution, at which time all the parties are bound by the Courts decision. There are specific rules governing class actions suits and can be found in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23.

Law Office of Donald S. Edgar
50 Old Courthouse Sq. Suite 610, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Toll Free: (800) 545-6409
Phone: (707) 545-3200
Fax: (707) 578-3040

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