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Arlin Technologies, Inc.
Banner Programs

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By advertising your banner on, you will gain high traffic exposure. Below you will find information on our current banner placement programs, their options, and fees. You will have your choice of service based on weekly rates, or a price-per-click rate. Our automatic software provides a tracking system with which we can track the actual clicks generated by your banner, and allows us to offer click-tracking to you at no extra charge.

If you have not created your banner yet, or if you need new banners, contact our design department. Our experts can design a custom professional banner for you at only $25.00 per banner when you also sign up for an advertising program!

Banners will be placed on our banner ads page and interspersed throughout our high traffic sites.

Current Banner Placement Programs

  Arlin Weekly * On 1 Page On 2 Pages On 3 Pages
  Placement Rates/per week $5.00/page $4.50/ea. pg $4.25/ea. pg

  Arlin Pay-per-click * 100 clicks 500 clicks 1000 clicks
  Click Rates/per 100 clicks $7.50/100 $7.00/100 $6.50/100

  Arlin Custom * Custom tailored ad campaign
  Custom Ad Rates t.b.a. based on needs & budget
  * Click-tracking available at no extra charge.

Additional banner programs and options may be offered soon, so please check back periodically.

Order Banner Placement Now!

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