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    How You Can Help

    The Land and Water Conservation Fund is a fund designed to preserve the U.S.'s natural heritage by helping endangered species habitat, marine resources, land restoration, urban parks and historic preservation. But over the last 15 years, Congress has appropriated just one-third of the $900 million in oil and gas royalties that go into the fund each year for those purposes. Resources 2000 can change that. If passed, the bill will ensure the money goes where it's supposed to go. Resources 2000 needs your support. Please Contact Representative Gephardt at the U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., 20515 or send a fax to (202) 225-7414, or visit his contact page at http://www.house.gov/gephardt/contact.html or e-mail him at gephardt@mail.house.gov.

    Keep Cats Indoors: Even well-fed housecats can harm bird populations when free to roam, in some cases imperiling native birds and animals. In Australia, cats are apparently causing the decline and extinction of three native animals and a number of birds. And in Britain, a study found that Britain's million house cats kill 20 million birds and 50 million small mammals each year. There are similar troubles closer to home. A Wisconsin study found that cats in that state kill as many as 19 million songbirds each year.

    HELP TSRN GROW: Helping TSRN is low cost. A $20 contribution will make you part of TSRN's growing membership -- and part of the number of individuals who believe saving threatened and endangered species is a priority. Your donation will go a long way toward our goals of protecting threatened species.